I cammini della Regina
Historical Via Regina (or Strada Regina) lariana, from Como to Sorico, is one of the oldest paths of historical, commercial and cultural exchange between Italy and the transalpine area. Along with Via Francisca and the Swiss-Italian Via Spluga, it is a crucial transalpine connection of soft mobility that is greatly developing thanks to fundings and collaborations all over Europe. It is a pedestrian path that crosses many territories
The Via Regina is soon to be added to the list of "Atlas of Paths" of Italy ("Cammini d'Italia")
“I CAMMINI DELLA REGINA. Itinerari culturali per l'Europa (PDF)” (Via Regina paths. Cultural itineraries in Europe - PDF file) is a guide for hikers who want to actively discover places they see and walk through, it is a travel notebook where to draw, take notes, find useful information, maps and the like.
On the Via Regina website (in Italian) you can download the app, access the geoportal with maps and the virtual tour.
Further information on Associazione Iubilantes (in Italian).